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Monografia zawiera pogłębioną analizę poziomu dojrzałości procesowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. Warstwa teoretyczna publikacji nawiązuje do badań specyfiki zarządzania jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego oraz przeglądu rozwiązań procesowych wykorzystywanych w administracji publicznej. Z kolei warstwa praktyczna ilustruje związki zachodzące pomiędzy poziomem dojrzałości procesowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego a realizacją standardów kontroli zarządczej oraz poziomem dojrzałości procesowej a uzyskanymi przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego efektami. Książka przeznaczona jest zarówno dla teoretyków, jak i praktyków zarządzania publicznego, szczególnie zaś dla osób zainteresowanych tematyką pomiaru dojrzałości procesowej w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego.
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Kobiety w dywersji i sabotażu! Wysadzające mosty, tory kolejowe, niszczące samoloty i biorące udział w najsłynniejszych zamachach Armii Krajowej! Relacje uczestniczek tajnego specjalnego kobiecego oddziału dywersji („DYSK”) Komendy Głównej Armii Krajowej, złożone głównie na przełomie lat 60. i 70-tych, które stały się podstawowym źródłem wiedzy na temat działalności oddziału. Na jego czele staje w roku 1943 legendarna major Wanda Gertz, która w męskim przebraniu (ponieważ kobiet nie przyjmowano) wstąpiła w 1916 roku do legionów. Brała też udział w wojnie polsko-bolszewickiej. Pasjonujące wspomnienia i relacje uczestniczek oddziału, które brały udział zarówno w samodzielnych akcjach dywersyjnych kobiet, jak i w akcjach wspólnych z mężczyznami.
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In the forty-fifth issue of the journal Econometrics eleven articles are published. First, three authors discuss social problems of Polish people by means of multidimensional statistical methods. Consumer behavior in different dimensions is described in next two articles. The article by Janusz Korol and Przemysław Szczuciński concerns the competitiveness of industry in Polish regions. The use of econometrical, statistical and mathematical methods in the analysis of finance is shown in next three papers. Michał Jakubiak in his article shows the influence of order picking zone’s configuration on the time of order picking process. The authors of the last article present the use of logistic regression in the ovarian cancer diagnostic.
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W bieżącym numerze opublikowano siedem artykułów. Artykuł Justyny Brzezińskiej dotyczy modeli analizy teorii odpowiedzi na pozycje testowe w teorii pomiaru z zastosowaniem pakietu LTM programu R. Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, Magdalena Ślazyk-Sobol i Urszula Załuska przedstawiły wyniki badań empirycznych dotyczących wspólnych i unikatowych aspektów wypalenia zawodowego. Badania prowadzono wśród pracowników sektora edukacji, szkolnictwa wyższego i służby zdrowia. Możliwości zastosowania analizy koszykowej jako metody poszukiwania odpowiednich reguł asocjacyjnych dla danych gromadzonych w ramach statystyki publicznej są tematem artykułu Marcina Szymkowiaka, Tomasza Klimanka i Tomasza Józefowskiego. Ilona Bondos, Marcin Lipowski i Zbigniew Pastuszak pokazują wyniki synergii uzyskanej, gdy podstawą badań są jednocześnie ilościowe i jakościowe badania marketingowe wraz z wykorzystaniem CAPI i samoobserwacji. Przedmiotem zainteresowań Michała Gostkowskiego jest analiza popytu konsumentów za pomocą systemu Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS), będącego rozszerzeniem systemu Almost Ideal Demand System. Małgorzata Grzywińska- Rąpca i Lesław Markowski przedstawiają wyniki badań niektórych aspektów zatrudnienia w polskim sektorze finansowym w latach 2005-2016. Badanie zarejestrowanych podmiotów tego sektora przeprowadzono na poziomie województw. Wykorzystano techniki wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej. W artykule Anety Ptak-Chmielewskiej i Piotra Kulety pokazano wyniki zastosowania regresji logi-stycznej do weryfikacji skuteczności modeli statystycznych w ocenie ryzyka niewypłacalności przedsiębiorstw. Józef Dziechciarz
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W niniejszym numerze czasopisma „Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis” opublikowano sześć artykułów. W opracowaniu Justyny Brzezińskiej przedstawiono metody wizualizacji danych jakościowych z wykorzystaniem pakietu extracat programu R. Urszula Załuska oraz Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha zaprezentowały wyniki badań nad oceną skuteczności działań na rzecz osób w wieku niemobilnym w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Kolejni autorzy – Witold Rzymowski i Agnieszka Surowiec – opisali wybrane metody modelowania liczby ludności świata. W innym z publikowanych artykułów Justyna Brzezińska zaprezentowała rezultaty analizy statystycznej ekonomicznego ubóstwa w Polsce. Natalia Nehrebecka z kolei przeprowadziła porównanie modeli scoringowych, takich jak regresja logistyczna i Support Vector Machine, służących do przewidywania ryzyka kredytowego przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych. W ostatnim tekście Iwo Augustyński i Paweł Laskoś-Grabowski omówili wyniki grupowania makroekonomicznych szeregów czasowych. Agnieszka Stanimir
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W niniejszym numerze czasopisma „Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis” zamieszczono siedem artykułów. Maria M. Grzelak, Iwona Laskowska i Elżbieta Roszko-Wójtowicz zaprezentowały wyniki analizy znaczenia nakładów na działalność badawczo-rozwojową dla konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw przetwórstwa przemysłowego w Polsce. W artykule autorstwa Artura Mikulca i Małgorzaty Misztal zawarte są rezultaty analizy dla osób fizycznych prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w województwie łódzkim, pod kątem sprawdzenia, czy rodzaj prowadzonej działalności i lokalizacja przedsiębiorstwa wpływają na czas jego trwania. Niejednoznaczności i związki między kryteriami oceny barier i korzyści migracji do chmury obliczeniowej w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych są przedmiotem analizy przedstawionej w artykule Witolda Bartkiewicza i Zbigniewa Gontara. Justyna Brzezińska poświęciła swój artykuł analizie klas ukrytych w ocenie pozycji testowych w badaniach sondażowych. Katarzyna Cymbranowicz zaprezentowała wyniki analizy taksonomicznej pracujących Europejczyków borykających się z problemem ubóstwa. Artykuł Marcina Pełki obejmuje aspekty wykorzystania wielomodelowej klasyfikacji gęstościowej danych symbolicznych w analizie innowacyjności krajów Unii Europejskiej. W ostatnim artykule autorstwa Włodzimierza Kołodziejczaka omówiono wpływ na poziom bezrobocia wybranych czynników stosowanych w badaniu siły roboczej w celu określenia statusu działalności gospodarczej populacji w porównaniu z subiektywnymi poglądami respondentów. Józef Dziechciarz
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W niniejszym numerze czasopisma „Ekonometria” zamieszczono pięć artykułów. Kateryna Berezka i Olha Kovalchuk prezentują wyniki komputerowego modelo¬wania zrównoważonego rozwoju z wykorzystaniem analizy korespondencji. Celem artykułu Doroty Witkowskiej jest przedstawienie wyników poszukiwań wpływu struktury gospodarstw domowych na wynagrodzenia w Polsce. Joanna Muszyńska oraz Ewa Wędrowska zaprezentowały wyniki badania nierówności dochodowych gospodarstw domowych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem dekompozycji miar uogólnio¬nej entropii. Kolejna autorka, Anna Sączewska-Piotrowska, omówiła w swojej pracy wyniki analizy z wykorzystaniem dwupoziomowych modeli logitowych przeprowa¬dzonej z uwzględnieniem podziału terytorialnego i zamożności dochodowej. Przed¬miotem zainteresowań Elżbiety Roszko-Wójtowicz i Jacka Białka była wielkość obciążenia substytucyjnego pomiaru inflacji w relacji do poziomu innowacyjności gospodarek Unii Europejskiej. Józef Dziechciarz
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In the current issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, six articles are published. Jan L. Bednarczyk and Katarzyna Brzozowska- Rup discuss the Non-Decreasing Economic Growth Rate of Inflation (NDEGRI). They present the results of estimating economic growth depending on the inflation levels in selected countries. The paper by Anna Jańska, and Arleta Kędra concerns the factors determining purchases of insurance products. They analyzed potential relations between determinants of purchasing decisions regarding insurance products and socio-demographic variables, i.e. age, gender, place of residence, income, occupational status, and number of people in a household. The use of fuzzy logic in the corporate innovative potential assessment is the subject of the article by Tomasz Nawrocki. The model proposed in the article provides a framework for combined static and dynamic potential innovativeness assessment with the use of fuzzy logic. The next author, Michał Litwiński, studies the influence of income inequalities on socio-economic development in the European Union. The author attempts to verify the hypothesis that the character of the impact of income inequalities on socioeconomic development in the European Union is negative. In the paper by Ilona Błaszczak-Przybycińska and Marta Marszałek, the calculations of the household production satellite account for Poland are presented, the methodology remarks and results are given. The last article, by Beata Bieszk-Stolorz, shows the results of using the modified Lunn-McNeil model in the assessment of intensity of exiting from unemployment. The research made it possible to identify groups of people taking up work with the least intensity and refusing to take up work with the greatest intensity.
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In this issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, seven articles are published. The paper by Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz concerns the impact of the decision-making profiles on the consistency of rankings obtained by selected multiple criteria methods. The assessment of the potential for using some selected PCA-based methods to analyze the spatial diversity of crime in Poland during 2000-2017 is the subject of the article by Małgorzata Misztal. The next authors, Krzysztof Dmytrów and Sebastian Gnat, carried out a multivariate statistical analysis for the prediction of changes in the tax burden of land plots. Iwona Markowicz discussed the result of the analysis of the risk of liquidation depending on the age of the company: a study of entities established in Szczecin in the period 1990-2010. In the article by Piotr Szczepocki, the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange according to time-varying beta were analysed with the use of cluster analysis. Zdzisław Kes and Łukasz Kuźmiński presented the methods for the evaluation of budget variance risk, i.e. the risk of a difference between the budgeted and actual figures. In the last article, by Ewa Wycinka, the differences between the methods of evaluation for models of default over time are discussed.
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OPIS In the current issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, seven articles are published. Jacek Batóg and Barbara Batóg discuss the macroeconomic factors of economic growth in the European Union in 2000-2016. They present the results of the study in which they proposed the use of discriminant analysis. This method is widely used on a microeconomic scale, but has not been used in the area of economic growth, especially in the long term, which at the same time makes it possible to observe short-term changes. The paper by Marcin Pełka concerns the results of the analysis of World Happiness Data. In the presented paper, model-based clustering ensemble is built to determine similar patterns of happiness across selected European countries. The review of graphical tools for the presentation of discrete longitudinal data in R is the subject of the article by Ewa Genge. The main aim of this paper is to present the different graphical tools for the heterogonous discrete longitudinal data sets on ground-changing perceptions of the financial situation in Poland, and to present the demographic features for those changes. The next authors, Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska and Anna Matuszyk, studied the SME’S bankruptcy risk on the Polish market. The authors attempt to verify the hypothesis that incorporating information about the macroeconomic conditions of a company’s operation significantly increases the effectiveness of the model that forecasts company bankruptcy. In the paper by Iwona Markowicz and Paweł Baran, the results of providing a classification as well as the ordering of CN chapters (2-digit codes) according to quality of data on intra- Community trade of goods, are given. The study reveals the structure of goods subject to intra-Community trade that is supplementary to the official terminology. The article by Artur Mikulec shows the results of the search for the best method of the estimation of values of individual functions in survival analysis based on other functions (with limited access to primary data). The paper shows compiled and classified information on the particular functions used in the non-parametric duration analysis of enterprises, and additionally a compilation of statistical programs and packages available in R environment. The final article, written by Renato Rossetti, concerns the problem of forecasting the sales of console games in the Italian market. The aim of the presented research is to exploit the capabilities of Exponential Smoothing and SARIMA Models, in order to have a comparison of the results.
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In this issue of the journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis, eight articles are published. The paper by Marek Walesiak and Grażyna Dehnel concerns the variation in population ageing in Polish provinces in 2002, 2010 and 2017, and applies a new method of automatic data collection from the Local Data Bank using the BDL package and the API interface (Application Programming Interface). Mirosława Sztemberg-Lewandowska presents the results of the empirical study of the achievements of students at II-IV stages of education using functional principal components analysis. The modelling of economic and safety effects of international migrations is the subject of the article by Kateryna Berezka and Olha Kovalchuk. The empirical research confirmed the causal link between the volumes of international migration flows and the growth of Foreign Direct Investment in their home countries and the reduction of security in host countries. The authors of the next article, Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, Urszula Załuska, Magdalena Ślazyk-Sobol, Minna Lehesvuori and Angelika Polak, carried out an analysis of occupational burnout in health care. They analysed the systemic and organisational risks as well as possible preventive actions. Adam Sagan discussed the methodological aspects of sample size determination in multilevel structural equation modelling (SEM) in the analysis of satisfaction with the banking products in Poland. Jan Kaczmarzyk indicated in his article that considering several reasonable sets of assumptions for the Monte Carlo simulation simultaneously can bring even more comprehensive information about enterprise risk. Luiza Ochnio, Tomasz Rokicki, Grzegorz Koszela, Bogdan Klepacki compared European Union countries in terms of the dynamics of changes in the value of lamb meat imports in the period 2003-2017. The aim of the research conducted by Elżbieta Roszko-Wójtowicz, Maria M. Grzelak and Iwona Laskowska, was to measure and assess the impact of expenditure on research and development (R&D) activities on the competitiveness of manufacturing divisions in Poland.
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We present the latest, sixty-seventh, issue of “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, starting the 24th year of the journal’s with publication. This issue contains six articles. Iwona Markowicz and Paweł Baran present the results of the examination of the dynamics of intra-Community trade in Poland and EU member states. They compared the results of selected literature studies with the results obtained on the basis of the analysis of the latest data (mainly 2017). The paper by Jadwiga Zaród concerns the classification of Polish cities with the use of discriminatory analysis. The author identified the diversity of environmental and communication conditions in Polish cities with ‘powiat’ (county) rights. The modification of calculation methods to correct reserves within the period of insurance, taking into account the current expectation of the future projected length was the main problem addressed in the article by Magdalena Homa. To achieve this purpose the author made calculations reserves which consider the extended actuarial risk and include the changing risk of longevity and its impact on their value. The next author, Mariusz Kubus, studied the evaluation of resampling methods in the class unbalance problem. The author attempted to compare simple random balancing methods with more sophisticated resampling methods that appeared in the literature and are available in R program, also explaining whether learning based on the original dataset and using a shifted threshold for classification is not more competitive. The paper by Grzegorz Migut shows the results of the assessment of the influence of dependent variable distribution on selected goodness of fit measures using the example of a customer churn model. The article presents not only the results of the assessments but also reviews the measures of predictive power. The final article, written by Justyna Brzezińska, concerns the use of classification methods for the analysis of the structure of university positions in Poland. The author used the methods of classification and segmentation methods categorical data in contingency tables.
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The current issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, contains six articles. Maciej Oesterreich presents the methods of identification of atypical observations in time series. In the next article, Małgorzata Krzciuk, shows the results of the simulation analyses in a study of the influence of the occurrence of a correlation between random effects on properties of the predictor. The paper by Grażyna Trzpiot concerns the assessment of selected large cities as seniorfriendly, and the analyses were made for selected cities in Poland. The analysis of quarterly unemployment rates from the Labour Force Survey covering Poland’s data stochastic structure as a trend, seasonality and disturbance and to make a prognosis, is the subject of the article by Stanisław Jaworski. In the paper by Dushko Josheski and Mico Apostolov, the effects of the review of the binomial and trinomial models for option pricing, and their convergence to the Black-Scholes model determining option prices are presented. The final article, written by Dominik Krężołek and Grażyna Trzpiot, presents the authors attempts to classify risk which can be observed when one deals with data from the metals market.
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In this issue of the journal “Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis” five articles are published. Necmi Gürsakal, Fırat Melih Yilmaz and Erginbay Uğurlu describe opportunity windows in time series data using the sliding window technique. The authors were also looking for other possibilities to use this technique. In the next article, Iwona Bąk and Katarzyna Cheba, show the use of fuzzy cognitive maps in the economic sciences. The authors make an expert assessment of the relationship existing between selected indicators carried out using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps on the example of goals in Strategy for Sustainable Development. 2030 Agenda. The paper by Filip Wójcik and Michał Górnik concerns the improvement of e-commerce recommendation systems with deep hybrid collaborative filtering with content. Thanks to their proposal of utilizing flexible neural network architecture called Deep Hybrid Collaborative Filtering with Content Model (DHCF) stacked on top of classic methods, they intended to provide better shopping suggestions for customers on the e-commerce platform. The next paper, by Wiktor Ejsmont and Janusz Łyko, discusses the health value added of healthcare entities. In the article, the index representing the patient’s health condition and its changes before and after being treated by a given entity are described. The study of corporate social responsibility as a way to sustainable employment is the subject of the article by Karolina Muszyńska, who attempted to identify the relationship between the declared activities in line with corporate social responsibility and the implementation of diversity management concepts.
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The journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis is now celebrating the 25th anniversary of its establishment. In 1996, the journal Informatics and Econometrics was founded in what was then the Oskar Lange Academy of Economics, which after two years was transformed into the Econometrics. Applications of quantitative methods published in the series of the university’s Research Papers. Throughout the whole period of its existence, its Editor-in-Chief has been Professor Józef Dziechciarz. Econometrics was first published both in Polish and in English, but since 2018 the articles have been appearing only in English. The authors who publish their papers in our journal are renowned Polish and foreign scientists, as well as young scholars who are just starting out on their research path. The editors of the journal are continuously involved in the activities aimed at the internationalization of the publication, which also involves welcoming other authors affiliated with foreign institutions. The group of Professors who review the articles submitted for publication in the journal, are also members of the Scientific Council, which comprises scientists affiliated in Poland and abroad.
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We present the latest issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”. This issue contains six articles. Fatima Akkal, Nadia Kadiri and Abbes Rabhi present the results of research concerning the functional single index model. The main objective of this paper was to investigate the nonparametric estimation of the conditional density of a scalar response variable Y taking into account strictly defined conditions. In the next article, David Trafimow considers the differences in philosophical or empirical incommensurability of frequentist versus Bayesian approach. The paper by Kinga Kądziołka discusses data-driven method for determining the weights of composite indicators. The proposed method considers the degree of similarity of the final ranking to other rankings and other properties. In the next article, Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, Urszula Załuska and Cyprian Kozyra show the results of the formal preparation of universities for international mobility evaluation. In the research the results of the quantitative primary research conducted in the Stranger project of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership were used. The aim of the work by Arleta Kędra was to examine how the role of universities in the public procurement market and in public-private partnership is perceived by both the contracting authorities and the contractors. The paper by Adam Sagan, Justyna Brzezińska, Mirosława Sztemberg-Lewandowska, Marcin Pełka identifies the network system of Polish economic universities among European economic universities belonging to the same networks, and indicates the positions of Polish universities within these networks. The authors used a network approach to analyse the connections of European universities participating in university networks.
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In this issue of the journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis, five articles are published. Dimitrios Vagianos and Nikos Koutsoupias describes the opportunities for framing coworking spaces marketing strategies via social media indices. The authors try to provide Digital Marketers with an alternative perspective of Social Media Marketing Strategies related to the innovative Coworking Spaces Business. In the next article by Marcin Salamaga, the correspondence analysis was used in the study of foreign divestment in the Visegrad Countries during the Coronavirus crisis. The author pointed out that the deterioration of the general investment atmosphere, economic recession, changes in consumption patterns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced various foreign investors to restrict or suspend investments in industries which are more sensitive to the effects of the pandemic. For these reasons the reassessment of investment risk was necessary. The aim of the study described in the article by Paweł Kaczmarczyk is to test the effectiveness of an econometric model with dichotomous (binary) explanatory variables in the approximation and prediction of different kinds of cyclicality (annual, monthly, weekly, and daily) of demand for telephone services. The next article, by Angelika Kantor, concerns multidimensional analysis of the green growth of the European Union countries in 2019. For this purpose, secondary data were used and the non-pattern model together with Hellwig and Ward methods were implemented. Empirical analysis of the environmental Kuznets curve for economic growth and CO2 emissions in north Africa countries is the subject of the article by Mohammed Touitou. To prove these relations a panel cointegration approach was used and the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was applied.
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With the publication of the current issue of the journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis, we present four articles. Kirsi Purhonen, Marja- -Leena Kauronen, Olli Lehtonen, Angelika Polak and Valdemar Kallunki describe the results of visual research methods (VRM) for recognising the social identities and behaviour of non-smokers and smokers. VRM provide precise results regarding the phenomenon and offer a sympathetic, considerate and suitable way to examine it. The paper by Yeong Nain Chi and Orson Chi concerns the modelling and forecasting of the monthly global price of bananas. The primary purpose of this study was to pursue the analysis of the time series data and to demonstrate the role of the time series model in the predicting process using long-term records of the monthly global price of bananas. The study of the equilibrium short-rate models and no-arbitrage models is the subject of the paper by Dushko Josheski and Mico Apostolov, in which equilibrium short-rate models were presented as one-factor short-rate models, the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model and the Vasicek model, and no-arbitrage models were the Hull-White (HW) model, the Binomial lattice model for bond pricing and interest rate modelling, the Black-Karasinski (BK) model, and the Heath-Jarrow- -Morton (HJM) model. In this issue Anna Sulima describes the absence of arbitrage on the complete Black-Scholes-Merton regime-switching Lévy market. In the considered model, the prices of financial assets were described by the Lévy process in which the coefficients depend on the states of the Markov chain. Such a market is incomplete, and in order to complete it, jump financial instruments and power-jump assets were added.
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In the current issue of the journal Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis comprises three articles. Karolina Siemaszkiewicz presents a comparison between the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic with the use of safe haven instruments. The author tried to compare the performance of safe haven assets during the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic in such countries as Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, and Poland. Grażyna Trzpiot and Magdalena Kawecka discuss the labour market status of young people in selected countries of the European Union. The authors used the taxonomic approach: hierarchical methods to agglomerate objects through a dendrogram and the non- -hierarchical k-means method. Non-monetary indicators of social exclusion is the subject of the article by Łukasz Kozar. The aim of the paper was to identify the key non-monetary indicators of this phenomenon and to develop a synthetic measure to rank and compare the EU-10 countries.
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We present the latest issue of the journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis. This issue contains three articles. Aleksandar Vasiliev discusses a business-cycle model with cash and credit goods and a modified cash-in-advance feature. The author proposed to use their solutions for the Bulgarian economy based on data from 1999-2020. The main objective of the research by Barbara Dańska-Borysiak was to estimate the level of GDP and total factor productivity (TFP) in the poviats of the Łódzkie voivodship in the period 2002-2019. In the research a spatial panel data model estimated by the maximum likelihood method was applied. Mohamed Mehdi Hamri, Nadia Kadiri, Sanaà Dounya Mekki, and Abbes Rabhi discuss single functional index quantile regression for independent functional data under right-censoring. They present a non-parametrical estimation procedure of the quantiles of a conditional distribution based on the single-index model in the censorship model when the sample is considered as independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables.
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